Greetings and love, I amArchangel Metatron. It is a joy to be in your presence and to bring forth theascension energies, as I inspire you to gaze within your being. My words ofinspiration are to support a deep exploration within your being while allowingyou to accept the ascension energies flowing forth from the Creator activatingthe next stage of your ascension within your being. 问候和爱,我是大天使梅塔特隆。很高兴前来,带给你杨升的能量,随着我启发你去凝视内在。我启发的话语是来支持深度探索你的内在,同时让你接纳来自造物主的杨升能量,激活你杨升的下一个阶段 In this stage of yourascension I, Archangel Metatron encourage you to gaze within your being toacknowledge your worth. Acknowledge the love, the truth, the positivity, thepeace, the strength, the courage, the jewels, and the treasure that existwithin your being. 在你杨升的这个阶段,我前来鼓励你去凝视内在,认识到你的价值。认识到存在于你之内的爱、真理、积极、平和、力量、勇气、珍贵 It is so easy toacknowledge your fears, negativity, feelings of being stuck, limited, negativehabits or weaknesses. It is important to realize that at this stage ofascension, it is the negative habits and negative vibrations which are beingenhanced and emphasized. This is because there is a deep powerful release andflush, it is an ascension flush taking place. 很容易就认识到你的恐惧、负面性、受困、局限的感受、负面的习惯或弱点。很重要去意识到在这个杨升阶段,负面的习惯或振动在被加强。这是因为有着一个深度强力的释放和冲洗,这是杨升冲洗 It means that because of the tremendous changes, shifts, andtransformations taking place within your being, your body, your being isbecoming over stimulated, and it is the negative emotions and habits that aredrawing and attracting your attention currently. 这意味着,出于你之内巨大的改变、转变,你的身体和存在在变得过度亢奋,负面的情绪和习惯在吸引你的注意力 In the last few weeks, youmay have noticed yourself being a bit angrier or a bit more tired. Maybedoubting yourself or feeling that things are impossible or that your dreamswill never come true or that you are going backwards in your ascension. This isbecause there is an ascension flush, a release, a cleansing taking place thatis over stimulating your being. Therefore, as energies are being released, youare noticing them with greater vigor and greater emphasis within your being, 在过去几周,你可能注意到了自己有点愤怒或疲惫。也许怀疑自己或感到事情是不可能的或者你的梦想永远无法实现或者你在倒退。这是因为有着一个杨升冲洗,一个释放,一个清理在刺激你的存在。因此,随着能量被释放,你注意到它们被加重 The ascension flush couldcontinue for a while, there is a need to refocus and reform your attention sothat the ascension flush can take place. We can recognize that it is okay foryour entire being to feel over stimulated because of all the transformationtaking place. 杨升冲洗可能会持续一段时间,有必要去重新专注,重整你的注意力,这样杨升冲洗可以发生。我们认识到让你的整体存在感到被刺激是可以的,出于所有在发生的转变 However, there is a needfor you to discover and reconnect with the quiet space within your being. Yourspace of truth, your space of peace and love. In doing so you will bringbalance, a softness and gentleness to your system and your entire being. You will allow the energies thatneed to be released to be released with ease and effortlessly. 无论如何,有必要去发现和重新连接内在的安静空间。你的真理空间,你的平和与爱的空间。如此你会把平衡,一个温柔带给你的系统和整体存在。你会让这个释放的需求伴随着轻盈毫不费力地释放 While this process takes place, you will discover your worth which is amagnificent step forward in your ascension process. Discovering your worth is to realize you areworthy of everything, everything that is the Creator. You are worthy ofeverything that you wish to receive, embody, and experience. We could say thatyour worth is 100% or more, meaning that you are complete, you are whole.Therefore, it is not about building your worth or even reactivating your worth,your worth is already complete, it is 100%. 当这个进程发生,你会发现你的价值,这是你杨升进程中一个宏伟的步伐。发现你的价值就是意识到你值得拥有一切,造物主所是的一切。你值得拥有你希望收到、体现以及体验的一切。我们可以说你的价值是100%或更多,意味着你是完整的,圆满的。因此,这不是关于建立你的价值或者重新激活你的价值,你的价值已经是完整的,100% You may recognize a lack ofself-esteem, confidence, or courage within your being, maybe you do not feelthat you love yourself as much as you could. Please recognize that these arepatterns within your mind and your ego. Within your being is a jewel ortreasure that is complete and whole, this is your worth, it is everything thatis the Creator, love, peace, joy, and truth. 你可能认识到自尊、自信、勇气的缺乏,也许你感觉不到对自己的爱。请认识到这是你头脑和小我中的模式。你之内有着一个完整和圆满的珍宝,这就是你的价值,这是造物主所是的一切,爱、平和、喜悦、真理 Rather than feeling thatyou need to build, emphasize, or boost your self-worth or the way you valueyourself. Instead, I, Archangel Metatron invite you to reform and restructureyour thought processes, and the energy patterns within your ego to recognizeyour self-worth. Your inner worth is complete, and a whole expression of theCreator, you can receive everything you need, you are never wanting. 与其感到你需要建立、加强或增强你的自我价值或重视自己的方式。我邀请你去重新形成和构造你的思想进程以及你小我中的能量模式来认识到你的自我价值。你内在的价值是完整的,造物主的一个完整的表达,你可以接收你所需的一切,你永远不会缺乏 In the coming days when you recognize anger, tiredness, or fear. I encourage you to take your attention within yourbeing, I invite you to go to your higher heart chakra, above your heart chakra,and to acknowledge that within your higher heart chakra you gain a viewingpoint of your worth. It is like a viewpoint of your treasure, all that you are.As you go into and take your attention into your higher heart chakra, you cansay to yourself: 在未来的日子里,当你认识到愤怒、疲惫、恐惧。我鼓励你去关注内在,我邀请你去进入更高的心轮,位于心轮的上方,去认识到在你更高的心轮,你可以看到自身的价值。这就像看到自己的宝藏。随着你进入并关注你更高的心轮,你可以对自己说: I recognize my inner worth,I am worthy. 我认识到自己内在的价值,我是有价值的 I recognize my inner worth,I am worthy. 我认识到自己内在的价值,我是有价值的 Repeat this to yourselfseeking within your being an energy vibration that reflects your words, focus,intention. The energy may become even greater, grander, and more expansive thanyour original intention. Then your focus is not so much about being worthy oreven recognizing your worth, how valuable you are, that you are the Creator, orare valued by the Creator. It becomes more than this and opens into somethinggreater. 对自己重复说这句话,在内在寻找一个反映出你话语、专注、意图的能量振动。能量可能会变得更加巨大、宏大、更加广阔,比起你最初意图的。然后你的专注不再是关于变得有价值或者认识到自己的价值,你多有价值,你就是造物主,或者被造物主重视。这会变得更加明显,向更大的东西敞开 What does it open into? 向什么敞开? Maybe it opens into bliss,love, a sense of freedom or limitless expression. You will discover the realvibration, the complete whole vibration of your worth, which is your magic,your treasure, your jewel, and everything that you are. When you connect withyour inner worth, you begin to understand yourself on a deeper level, who youare, and what you have to give to the world. Now is the time to explore yourworth on many levels of your being, it is the next ascension step, and it willbe immensely healing. 也许向幸福、爱、自由感或无限制的表达敞开。你会发现真正的完整的价值振动,就是你的魔力、财富、珍宝、你所是的一切。当你与内在的价值连接,你会开始在更深的层面上理解自己,你的所是,你要给予世界什么。现在是时候在你存在的许多层面上探索你的价值,这是下一个杨升步伐,它会是极大疗愈性的 I, Archangel Metatron, willbe with you every step of the way. 我会在一路上的每一步与你在一起 My love is with you always, 我的爱总是与你在一起 I am Archangel Metatron 我是大天使梅塔特隆 传导:Natalie Glasson 译者:NickChan |
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