Dear Ones, there is great benefit to being in a phase of not knowing what is next. When you lose your bearings, you start operating from the Now moment. You slow down. You become more aware. You start to notice the signs and synchronicities as your new guidance system. You get curious. You settle into your beingness and you expand inwardly. It is an opportunity that is ripe with discovery and is always met with up-levelling when you emerge. It is a powerful and sacred time to connect with your truest essence, your authenticity, and your knowingness, and that will direct your path and be reflected back to you in the next phase. ——Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young 亲愛的源头存在们,当你处于“不知道下一步是什么”的阶段,这会是很有益处的。 当你失去方向时,正是你从当下开始运作的时候!你放慢速度,你變得更加覺知,这使得你开始注意到你的新导航系统带来的信号和同步性。 你更加充满好奇,在你的存在中安住,并向内扩展。当它在你的存在中浮现,这会是一个伴随着发现和持续提升的成熟机会。 這是一個強大而神聖的時刻,让你可以與你最真實的本質、你的真实自性,以及你的内在知晓联结,這將指引你道路的下一步,以及向你反映下一阶段。 ——Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young |
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